Terms of use

  1. These Terms of Use set forth the entire terms and conditions applicable to each visitor or user of communitybirdid.com (CBID) website. These Terms of use constitute a binding and enforceable legal contract between the person who has registered to CBID and uses its services (User) and me (Service Provider).

  2. User confirms that he/she own all rights in and to any content uploaded, including any data, images, comments (Content), or otherwise User has (and will continue to have) the full power, title, licenses, consents and authority, in and to the Content, as necessary to legally access to, copy, use, publish, transfer or license such Content, by the User. The Service Provider is not responsible for the Content uploaded by the User.

  3. In relation to the uploaded Content that is protected by the by copyright according to the Copyright Act, the User provides the Service Provider and those acting on its behalf with permission for editing, modifying, resizing and cutting the Content, in such a manner creating the Derivative Content.

  4. The User grants the Service Provider a license for an indefinite period of time to display the Content and/or the Derivative Content on the CBID. The use licenses granted by the User to the Service Provider are not affected by the termination of the use of the CBID.

  5. The Service Provider displays Content and Derivative Content on the CBID with the author indicated. The author is provided by the User during the Content upload process.

  6. The Service Provider reserves the right to choose between the Contents and Derivative Contents and display only the selected ones on CBID. The Service Provider also reserves the right to delete the Content and Derivative Content from CBID and from the backend repositories if it’s not selected or was removed from CBID by the Service Provider.

  7. The Service Provider does not transfer the Content or Derivative Content to third parties. The Content or Derivative Content is exclusively displayed in the CBID operated by the Service Provider.

  8. Service Provider does not sell the Content or Derivative Content, but keeps the right to sell or transfer the CBID to another party provided that access to the website will continue to be free of charge and Content and Derivative content will not be used for other purposes.

  9. By accepting this Terms of use, the user declares that she/he accepts the above.

Privacy notice
    Communitybirdid.com (CBID) cares deeply about the privacy of its visitors and users. We collect Personal Information you provide us, and from your use of the CBID. Here are the types of Personal Information we collect about you:

  1. The website uses a minimal build of Google Analytics, a service which transmits website traffic data to Google servers in the United States and allows us to notice trends to improve the user experience on our website. This minimal build processes personal data such as: the unique User ID set by Google Analytics, the date and time, the title of the page being viewed, the URL of the page being viewed, the URL of the page that was viewed prior to the current page, the screen resolution, the time in local timezone, the files that were clicked on and downloaded, the links clicked on to an outside domain, the type of device, and the country, region, and city.

    You may opt out of this tracking at any time by activating the “Do Not Track” setting in your browser.

  2. If you are registered to CBID, we collect the information you provide us (name, email, comment if you comment, place and date of your photos, if any)

    We use your Personal Information for the following purposes:

  1. To operate the CBID

  2. To create aggregated statistical data

  3. If you are registered to CBID, we may send account related emails

  4. If you are registered to CBID, we may send notifications about the status of your uploads. This can be switched off on your personal page.

We store the Personal Information on our servers.

If you cancel your registration, the Personal Information you provided (name, email) will be deleted from our system. Your name may remain in logs, in the watermark of images you uploaded and in the comments you made. As well as the date and place of the photos will remain in the watermark on the photos and in the database of photos.