What is CommunityBirdID?

Community Bird ID tries to be a free, lightweight, dynamic identification guide without upper limit, for birders, by birders.

Use it as a photographic bird ID guide, or upload your photos that can help the others in identification, aging or else.

How it works?

Use as a bird ID guide

Use the Species option in the menu to see all of the photos of the species that we have, ideally all of the relevant ages, sexes, postures, species-specific characteristics, look on the field, hybrids, and photos with similar species.

If the described characteristic on the photo is not obvious, the most important and helper characteristics are highlighted with green/magenta lines.

Ususally there is a short info section at the top (It’s not available everywhere yet, but is being uploaded continuously) which includes very short info about the species and the list of the similar species. There is the size as well, usually a range, but for WP rarities just a general size, or range if its size varies on a big range. If wingspan is important from ID point of view, it’s also there.

If you have some relevant photos that we don’t have, please upload them after registration.

Use the Comparison option in the menu when you want to compare two species. After selecting the two species, there will be two search modes:

Similar images
If there are enough photos of the two selected species, the photos of the same plumage and posture will be shown side by side. This option is available only if there are available photos of the same plumage and posture.

All images
The other option will show all available photos on two tapes.

At the bottom of the page the hybrids and common photos of the two selected species are shown if available.


Photo upload

We encourage the birdwatcher and birdbander community to share their photos on the site. After registration you’ll be able to upload photos. Our admin team will edit and cut the photos and add it to the right place in the gallery. Please upload good quality images of the species if possible.

Specifically we are looking for the following photos:
1. All plumages in relevant postures
The ideal number of images of a species depends on the difficulty of its ID. Difficult species - more photos; easy species - fewer photos. If it’s a tricky or variegated species (eg. Ring-billed Gull, Herring Gull, Ruff, Little Stint, Booted Eagle dark morph, etc.), more photos are welcome for the same morph/subspecies/age/plumage/sex/posture, but for easy species fewer photos are enough.

For Example, in the case of White Stork 4 photos should cover the whole species (juv. and ad. standing and in flight), but in the case of the tricky Ring-billed Gull, many more could show all of its characteristics. Or to present a gull more photos are necessary (in flight from above and below, standing), but for a wren no photos in flight needed.
2. Morphs, Subspecies, Hybrids, Aberrant/unusual birds
3. Species specific characteristics
Depends on the species. Eg. tail pattern of Isabelline Wheatear and Northern Wheatear, open wing or tertials of Pied Flycatcher.
4. Photo with similar species or if it's a WP rarity, photos with species of the same habitat/behavior
The best would be photos of birds that can be easily confused together. Or if it’s a WP rarity with a somewhat similar species common in WP. Eg. Baird’s Sandpiper with White-rumped Sandpiper/Dunlin or Lesser Yellowlegs with Wood Sandpiper.
5. Look on field
Difficult category, but this is to depict how a bird looks from a distance that helps ID. Eg sleeping Sociable Lapwing with Golden Plovers or Lapwings, some songbirds’s supercilium is more brighter from distance, some raptors have special wing postures
6. ID in hand
Ageing, sexing, species: characteristics visible mostly in hand, mostly songbirds.

Before uploading photos, please check what kind of photos are available on the site of the species in your photo. If there are many, especially of the same type (ssp., morph, age, plumage, sex, posture), please consider if your photo would add a plus to the website. Sometimes less is more.

Please don’t be upset if your photo was not chosen to be added to the gallery. It’s important that our only and primary focus is identification so only those photos will be added to the gallery that have additional value (characteristics/plumage/age/posture that were not covered before).


If there is a characteristic that is not mentioned under the photo, but it’s important, or there is an error, please login, go to Species accounts, click on "Comment image" below the photos and leave a comment describing what is wrong or missing. An admin will check it soon and update the image description if necessary.


Please share the idea of the Community bird ID and the site if you know someone who could upload photos of the above categories that we don’t have yet.

Or just share the site if you find it useful.