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River Warbler by Lőrincz Marcell
Red-breasted Flycatcher by Lőrincz Marcell
Great Tit by Lőrincz Marcell
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Mostantól egy darabig minden hónapban a leglelkesebb feltöltő, azaz akinek a legtöbb fotója bekerül a galériákba, kap egy trombitát! (Azaz kétliteres kőbambit :-))
Size field has been added to both search modes. In most cases a size range is provided, but for WP rarities only an avarage size, except when the size variance of the species is extreme. Wingspan is included only when it's important (eg. raptors).
Test version of the page has been launched. Functionalities will be tested and added in the upcoming days, so if something doesn't work, please check back later.